Study in India- Time to rethink & reinvent


India was the knowledge hub of the world. Ancient Indian universities such as Nalanda and Taxila attracted many foreign students who were seeking knowledge and enlightenment. Later, we lost our glory due to many reasons. Today Indian students are going abroad for education and employment. Moreover, foreign universities are coming to India to teach Indians, the successors of the world’s all-time great gurus such as Sandipani, Vidura, Srikrishna, Vishnu Sharma and Chanakya.

I am not against foreign universities. I welcome foreign universities. But we need to check whether Indian educational institutions are competent to compete with foreign institutions or not. Indeed, the incompetency of Indian educational institutions to offer the education, exposure and experience the North American Universities and European Universities offer is the one big reason for Indian students to leave India and for the government to welcome foreign universities. The Indian education system is creating mediocre professionals. Mediocre administrators, mediocre managers, mediocre engineers, and mediocre doctors. Moreover, the number of vacant seats in Indian colleges and universities is increasing year after year and the number of unemployed and underemployed graduates is also increasing.

What will happen if the campuses of foreign universities become mediocre on Indian soil? It may happen due to the social, political, and cultural pressures of Indian society. They may consider India as an opportunity to make money. For example, European clubs are offering free and world-class coaching to the kids in their home academies. But what about their academies in India? High fees and fewer services compared to their home academies. Moreover, think about the difference between the international brand soap you get in India and in abroad.

I believe, it is a great opportunity for Indian education institutions to be world-class to compete with the world’s top universities. Our educational institutions must be prepared to offer the best learning experiences to the students. Our educational institutions must make education interesting and fruitful by the following.

  1. Regularly updating curriculum
  2. Applying advanced learning methodologies and technologies
  3. Research focuses on socially beneficial themes.
  4. Connect research output with industry and community.
  5. Explore all possibilities to impart maximum exposure, experience, and expertise to students in their domain.
  6. Using sports as a tool to impart management skills, psychological skills and survival skills to students.
  7. Using sports as an additional revenue opportunity for colleges for initiating many innovative projects and to assist students financially.

If our national educational institutions fail to deliver what the students need and like, that will be a crisis. It will adversely affect the economical, intellectual and social development of India. But by enhancing the quality of our education system, India can be the most preferred destination for students across the globe.



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