We are the instruments in the hands of God to make changes or corrections in this universe that he created. The God created the universe as he wished. But he made many mistakes in its creation. Because of human progress, many of his makings became obsolete. Moreover, God missed many things to create.

God created the earth with 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. Humankind needed more hours of daylight. God created Thomas Alva Edison and threw him out of schooling. Edison started thinking about a sustainable artificial light source. He tried and failed many times before inventing the electric bulb.

God created human beings without wings. Human beings wanted wings to fly. God created the Wright Brothers and William E Boeing to help humanity to fly. He did not allow them to finish their formal education. Wright brothers invented aircraft after several setbacks. William E Boeing revolutionized the aviation industry. After many rejections from pilots even for a paid aeroplane ride, he decided to make an aeroplane himself and founded Boeing, the world’s top aeroplane maker.

Human beings looked for a personal companion to assist in their work. God created Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and forced them to stop formal education. They faced many failures and rejections before they revolutionized the personal computer industry with their computers and operating systems.

Why Edison was thrown out of normal schooling? Our formal education system teaches the past. They never discuss or are concerned about the present and future. Edison was thinking about the future. If he was in school, he would be thinking about securing a minimum pass mark and after that going for PSC coaching. Luckily, he was born to create new things, not to deal with the old stuff.

Now if you quiz our students and teachers “Who invented the incandescent bulb?”, all will unanimously tell Edison. But if you ask “Who invented the LED bulb?”, the faces of most will dim like the incandescent bulb. We know the name of the inventor of the outdated incandescent bulb. But don’t know who invented LED bulbs. This is why our formal education systems are outdated.

Not knowing the names of people who invented LED bulbs or smartphones is a problem. We will get it from a smartphone anytime. But we need to learn their thought process what led them to invent, the process they followed and the failures and challenges they faced. It will help us to do something better than them for humanity.

We believe that “failure is the stepping stone to success”. But our formal education system punishes the failures by year out. But Edison learned the maximum from his failures. When the teachers tried to find out the weaknesses of Edison, his mother found out his strengths and nurtured them. She deserves a Best Teacher award.

If our formal education system never changes, God must have to make more and more dropouts work with him for new creations.



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