There is a ‘DON’ in every donkey


There is a ‘DON’ in every donkey. Every donkey wants to be a don, many try for it, but no one has become a don yet. Why?

1. Donkeys are social and always in the herd. We never want one among us as our don.

2. Donkeys are intelligent. Intelligence is unnecessary for a don.

3. Donkeys are great problem solvers. We never want those who solve our real problems. We need dons who capitalize on our problems.

4. Donkeys are friendly. We like bossy dons, not friendly dons.

5. Donkeys are patient and less expressive. We like over-expressive dons.

6. A donkey never forgets. We love a don who forgets us after elections.

7. Donkey demands trust. Trust is an obsolete word in the political dictionary.

8. Donkey as a don will sacrifice itself for others. We like the dons who try to protect themselves.

9. Donkeys work hard. Dons hardly work.

10. Donkeys are great listeners. We like those who speak more and never listen.

11. Donkey is intelligent. The media projects the donkey as a donkey (fool).

12. Do is in donkey’s blood. Dons seldom do what they say.

13. A donkey carries other donkeys on his journey to be the don. He never knows, “You can’t conquer Everest with an ass in your asshole.”



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