There is a monk in every monkey.

Unfortunately, every monkey dies without being a monk. Being a monk is very tough for a monkey. Why?

1. Monkey fails to find out the inner monk

  • The inner monk is the symbol of what we can be in our life. It may be the Prime Minister. A great Actor or singer. A billionaire. What else? The majority of us fail to find that inner monk. What actually we can be in our life!!

2. Monkey finds the inner monk, but does not realise it

  • Many of us know about the inner monk. But we don’t have a clear picture of that inner monk. We know about our abilities, but we never consider it as useful.

3. Monkey realizes the inner monk but never wants to be a monk

  • Some of us are very clear about what we can do. But, we don’t want to be that for many reasons such as laziness or content with what we are now.

4. Monkey wants to be a monk, but does not know ‘how’

  • We know what we can be. But don’t know what to do to be there.

5. Monkey knows how to be a monk. But never tries to be it because of the pain involved in being a monk

  • Achieving what we can be in our lives is not a cakewalk. It is painful. We may fail. We may die before reaching there. We may risk many things in our lives. We give up even before trying.

6. Monkey tries to be a monk. But the world does not allow him to become a monk by saying, “You are not a monk. You are a monkey”

  • The world is full of energy suckers and career critics. They will kill you with negative energy, negative feedback and unnecessary criticisms. They will compare you with someone else and will declare ”You are not a hero stuff”. They never accept the unique you.

7. Monkey becomes a monk, but the world does not accept him as a monk.

  • When you try to be a great singer, the community of existing great and good singers will not accept you as a great singer or good singer. The reason is very simple, they don’t need a new competitor.

If a monkey can’t cross these barriers, he will never become a monk.

Hi friends, this is the framework of my next book, ‘THE MONKEY THEORY’. Please share your thoughts to make my new book useful to many.

With love, Sijin Bt



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